Relieving College Stress

Being several states away from home wasn’t as easy as I originally thought it would be. When starting college there isn’t a slow transition, but instead an instant change from what you are familiar to. Hopes and expectations may become unfortunate let downs, or they may exceed what expected. College is a place to connect and disconnect with yourself and others, college is a place for trial and error. I believe one of the greatest things about college is the development of self. You start to find a sense of place in the world.

My greatest relief of stress has always been the outdoors. I find when you venture into the wilderness you leave your worries. My first few great outdoor experiences at college were spent at Rumney Rocks in New Hampshire. I remember at first having trouble letting go of the rock when coming down after a climb. This turned out to be very symbolic for me. Letting go of the rock required me to trust the person belaying me and my equipment. This can be translated into everyday life with, by trusting your community and its support at college. Rock climbing opened my eyes to the possibilities ahead in life. When you are faced with a hard climb and finish it you become overwhelmed with a feeling of inspiration. You feel like you can overcome and accomplish anything you aspire to.

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The outdoor environment surrounding us is truly a place to retreat for reflection and to find solitude. Spending time outside with nature can refresh your body and mind so that you are able to tackle college head on. We are constantly facing unknowns in college and I believe this is where people truly struggle. I know myself I’ve struggled with “unknowns”. When we start to embrace these uncertainties and peruse them, that’s when we truly live. Outdoor pursuits is about taking healthy risks in life. These healthy risks involve letting go of things you cannot control. In college you sometimes are dissatisfied with grades in the past and stress out about classes to come. Hanging out in nature can simply keep you in the here and now, and for most college students that is very important.




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